Name of sales company
Sunwaspa Inc.
Address of sales company
3-429 Iwatanishi, Gifu City, Gifu, 5013156, Japan
Tomotada Hara
Inquiries / TEL: +81 58 241 8077
Product prices
Each product labelled individually
Amounts required in addition to product prices
Consumption tax/Shipping
Payment method
Credit card/Amazon Pay/PayPal/Shopify Payment
Payment deadline
Please contact your payment company directly.
Timing and method of product delivery
Shipping might take about 7days.
Cancel and returns
Products may be exchanged or returned for a refund if they are defective or are not what you ordered. In such a case, if the buyer has notified us within 7days of product delivery through a method specified by us, we will exchange the product for a unit that is not defective or refund the purchase price. We will bear associated costs for the return and resending of the product.
Display of Information of Liquor Sales Manager
Name and location of where liquor is sold
Sunwaspa Inc.
3-429 Iwatanishi, Gifu City, Gifu, 5013156, Japan -
Name of Liquor Sales Manger
Tomotada Hara
Date of attendance of the Liquor Sales Management Training
November 17, 2023
Attendance Deadline of the next Liquor Sales Management Training
November 16, 2026
Impelementing Agency of the Liquor Sales Management Training
Gifu Kouri Shuhan Kumiai